
Outer Limits curated by Madeline Courtney

In this interview, curator Madeline Courtney discusses her concept for the exhibition Outer Limits, which was recently presented at Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery in Seattle, Washington. Outer Limits showcased work by Jana Brevick, David Choi, Rebecca Hannon, Arthur Hash, Shayna Illingworth, Tia Kramer, emiko oye, Rachelle Thiewes, and Myung Urso. Missy Graff: Outer Limits usually

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Eveline Holsappel

Recently, Eveline Holsappel, curator at the Museum Arnhem in the Netherlands, put together an exhibition of contemporary and fashion jewelry and accessories focused on what artists are doing with taxidermy. It is called Beauty of the Beast and for more about the show see the AJF review. The exhibition includes the work of Merel Bekking,

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Helen Drutt: The State Hermitage Museum Exhibition

Marjorie Schick, Deflection, 1993, neckpiece, papier-maché, paint, 483 x 470 x 305 mm, photo: Gary Pollmiller Marion Fulk: I understand that the jewelry you donated, called Gifts From America, was part of a larger overall exhibition celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Hermitage. Helen Drutt: Initially, allow me to correct a misconception—I did not donate

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40 Years of New Zealand Jewelry

FingersFingers Gallery in New Zealand is celebrating its 40th anniversary with an exhibition at Objectspace, an exhibition space in Auckland both publicly and privately funded. Over the years, Fingers Gallery has witnessed and participated in the development of New Zealand jewelry. Finn McCahon-Jones, the curator of the exhibition, gives us its history.

Susan Cummins: Finn, please tell us who you are and why Objectspace is having a show about the gallery Fingers.

Finn McCahon-Jones: I come from a family of makers and observers, and for the past decade have worked at Auckland Museum, primarily with the decorative art and design collection. I am currently employed as a curator working on renewals of the permanent galleries. During this time I have also been involved with not-for-profit arts organizations and artist-run spaces.

In November this year, Fingers turns 40, making it one of the oldest still-running jewelry galleries in the world. It is also the oldest still-running craft gallery in Aotearoa New Zealand. The show at Objectspace will be an important one for jewelry audiences, as it will bring together largely unseen works from private collections, and provide an overview of jewelry history in this country, centered around Fingers.


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Digital Artisans: The Future of Design and Creation

Alba Cappellieri Laura Rysman: Do you make a distinction between designers who consider themselves artists and those who work in a commercial setting? What is the difference for you between jewelry designers/artists who fabricate their work—studio jewelers—and those who have work produced, or even mass-produced? Alba Cappellieri: Like Bruno Munari said, artists work for themselves

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