
Beate Klockmann and Philip Sajet: Couples in Jewelry—Frühling March 22, 2014

Rosemarie Jäger had been noticing how many couples there are in the jewelry world, and suddenly one day, she realized that it was a great idea for a series of shows. This one, with Beate Klockmann and Philip Sajet, is the first, and appropriately it is called Frühling or “Spring” and is the beginning of

Beate Klockmann and Philip Sajet: Couples in Jewelry—Frühling March 22, 2014 Read More »

Louder Than Words

Davide Bigazzi, Parole, Parole, 2014, cuff, sterling silver, 18-karat gold, white diamonds, 38.1-mm wide, photo: artist Susan Cummins: What was your inspiration for this show? Karen Lorene: Facèré Jewelry Art Gallery has, for many years, combined the worlds of art jewelry and the written word. Often, the shows that combine a publication: Signs of Life,

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