Search Results: AJF Live

Sharon Berman

Self-portrait of Sharon Berman I met Sharon Berman during my first Art Jewelry Forum trip to Amsterdam in October 2013. I noticed her beautiful estate jewelry and she shared with me stories of the pieces she collects. Two AJF trips later, to Estonia/Sweden and Barcelona, I discovered what a passionate jewelry collector Sharon is, and…


Sabina Tiemroth: It Self

Sabina Tiemroth, Shedding I, 2015, necklace, remnants of fabric, salvaged threads/sewing, 920 x 380 x 50 mm, photo: artist Sabina Tiemroth’s exhibit, It Self, at Jewelers’Werk Galerie, showcases textile work that blurs the line between apparel and jewelry. Deeply reflective, and heavily inspired by her experiences of living in Argentina, Tiemroth’s work is a personal…


First steps towards a Schmuck of the South

Exhibition view, Melt, Future Remains, Pennie Jagiello, 2015, Abbotsford Convent, Melbourne, photo: Nadja Soloviev Radiant Pavilion – Melbourne Contemporary Jewellery and Object Trail September 1-6, 2015 Melbourne, Australia A new jewelry festival has arrived with great expectations and significant challenges. How can a “Schmuck of the South” emerge from the shadow of the more established…


Orly Wexler: New Jewelry

Orly Wexler, Folded Bracelet, 2015, silicone, 22-karat gold, tourmaline, 51 x 51 x 44 mm, photo: artist Orly Wexler is an Israeli jewelry artist and designer who creates effortless, modern jewelry by integrating silicone and rubber seamlessly with precious metal and gemstones. In this interview, we talk about her exhibition, New Jewelry, at Gravers Lane…


ABOXISABOXISABOX: Tatjana and Peter Panyoczki

Tatjana and Peter Panyoczki, Untitled, 2015, neckpiece, cardboard, polyurethane, paint, glass beads, stg silver, silk, 70 x 55 x 35, photo: Marcel Tromp The husband-and-wife team of Tatjana and Peter Panyoczki has collaborated on an exhibition at Avid Gallery using the theme of the box. He is a painter, and she is a jeweler, so…


Daphne Krinos: Anthracite

Daphne Krinos, City Necklace (detail), 2015, lightly oxidized silver, tourmaline quartz, diamonds, about 460 mm long, photo: Joel Degen Daphne Krinos is a Greek jeweler living in London and taking full advantage of showing her work in a variety of venues there. She has a solo show in the US at Patina Gallery this month….


In conversation with Marianne Zamecznik

magic language///game of whispers September 10–13, 2015 The Nordic Craft Pavilion, Révélations, Grand Palais, Paris, France Curated by Katrine Borup, Agnieszka Knap, Anna Leoniak, Katarina Siltavuori, and Marianne Zamecznik Exhibition view, magic language///game of whispers, 2015, Nordic Craft Pavilion, Révélations, Grand Palais, Paris, photo: Blog Esprit Design Norwegian curator Marianne Zamecznik is a relative newcomer…


Marc Monzo: Blank

Marc Monzo, Blank Earrings Big, 2015, 18-karat gold, 37 x 15 x 15 mm, photo: artist Known for his insightful forms and well-designed jewelry, Marc Monzo is an artist living and working in Barcelona, Spain. After studying jewelry at the Escola Massana in Barcelona, he has gone on to give numerous lectures and workshops and…


Mia Maljojoki: 1000 Stardust

Earlier this year, Mia Maljojoki, a Munich-based jewelry artist, spent 24 hours in a Munich subway station “performing” in a project called 1000 Stardust. What started as performance art has now been made over into a window installation at Galerie Spektrum in Munich. 1000 Stardust explores the concept of the equality of every human being…


Moniek Schrijer: Pearl Ear

Moniek Schrijer, Drop, earrings, 2015, white bronze teaspoons, brass, fine silver, each approximately 40 x 25 x 1 mm, photo: artist Moniek Schrijer is a jewelry artist hailing from New Zealand. With a background in printmaking and jewelry, Schrijer experiments with the intersection of the two fields through a humorous lens. Pearl Ear, her exhibition…

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