

EAA Winner 2010: Agnes Larsson in Conversation

Susan Cummins: How old are you?

Agnes Larsson: I turned 31 years old last November.

Where do you live?

In Stockholm.

Why did you apply to the Emerging Artist Award competition? 

I found a notice about the EAA competition on Klimt02 and after reading about the participation conditions I thought it suited me perfectly at that time!

You had a presentation of your work with Ornamentum Gallery and gave a lecture at SOFA. What are your impressions of that experience?

My travel to Chicago, work with Ornamentum and the lecture at SOFA was very important for me and for my work with jewelry. It was kind of a starting point for my professional career. I learned many things about myself, about my work and about how I need and would like to continue my work with jewelry.

Did being named the winner of the EAA in 2010 affect your work or career? How?

Some gallery owners and other people have contacted me; I think being named the winner of the EAA 2010 has had a great effect on my career. My name is today more familiar to some people. The funds also gave me an important opportunity to actually spend more time in my studio and more time working and creating new work. 

Who or what influences your work? Other jewelers, mentors, arts, books, topics of study?

The earth, nature and the power of it, the physics of the human body and the information I can find in the core of a material, as well as the power and the shape of our bodies and the act of wearing inspire me. Arnish Kapoor is an artist that I admire.

What are your goals or hopes for your future as a jeweler?

I will be happy if I can work in my studio most of the time and explore new ideas and materials. I would like to work cooperatively with other jewelers and work for the art jewelry field in Sweden and in other countries.


  • Susan Cummins has been involved in numerous ways in the visual arts world over the last 35 years, from working in a pottery studio, doing street fairs, running a retail shop called the Firework in Mill Valley and developing the Susan Cummins Gallery into a nationally recognized venue for regional art and contemporary art jewelry. Now she spends most of her time working with a private family foundation called Rotasa and as a board member of AJF and California College of the Arts.

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