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Our Favorite Jewelry

AJF Members Share A Prized Piece From Their Collections—Number 2


The premise is simple: Pore over the jewelry you own, select your current favorite or a piece you consider especially noteworthy, send in a photo to share with readers, and tell us why you selected it. This is the second installment in this series (check out the first one here). For this edition, we invited only AJF members to contribute. The only criteria were that they must own the piece and that it must have been made by someone other than themselves. Thank you to everyone who contributed! We couldn’t do it without you. The response was so overwhelming that we had to split this edition in two parts—so check in next Monday for Part 2!

This series aims to offer some insight into what each of you think is important in the field. We also believe it will expose more contemporary artists to the community and beyond.

Someone once said that one is a purchase, two’s a coincidence, and three’s a collection. Maybe you define yourself in relation to jewelry—as maker, collector, enthusiast, gallerist, curator—or maybe you don’t, but you almost certainly own a number of pieces of jewelry. So which piece do you like best in your collection, and why?


  • Nathalie Mornu

    Nathalie Mornu has edited nonfiction and DIY books since 2003; she is particularly passionate about titles specializing in jewelry and crafts. After studying jewelry fabrication and furniture-making for five years at the Appalachian Center for Craft, she changed course altogether and pursued a degree in journalism. Nathalie then spent a dozen years in the editorial department at Lark Books. In her tenure there, she worked with former Art Jewelry Forum editor Damian Skinner to copy edit Contemporary Jewelry in Perspective. Nathalie began serving as AJF’s proofreader in June 2014 and subsequently branched out to copy editing and content management for the organization.

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