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Meet This Year’s Outstanding Students

AJF Member Schools Introduce Their Notable Grads and Undergrads

Summer has started, and jewelry students around the globe are frantically finishing up their coursework and installing their end-of-year exhibitions. In this photo essay, we show work by one grad or undergrad from AJF member schools identified by their professors as outstanding in their class. (This opportunity to show off student work is one of our benefits for AJF member schools; see all the benefits here.)

Congratulations to all of the students who were selected! Readers: Keep your eyes on the career trajectories of these ambitious new makers—they’re the next generation of jewelry artists!

Click on the photos to learn about what they show.

You can also check out the graduate portfolios of each school’s other students. Do so by clicking on any school’s logo here, then scroll to the bottom of the page.

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