

Ben Lignel, Montreuil, France

Work Space nº23

Meet me at 5 CEST.

Let’s talk at 11 PDT.

It’s now 11 a.m., frog time: are you still awake?

Can’t do it now—having dinner—will Skype in 40 minutes.

It’s funny: working for Art Jewelry forum has completely dematerialized my relationship to where. The question that really matters, as I coordinate with the other members of staff, or one of AJF’s 160 writers, is when are you? You are my +8 (Kevin Murray), you are my -9 (Rebekah Frank) or -6 (Nathalie Mornu and Dina Noto). I am your tomorrow morning, or your after-dinner Skype. We are station officers on a rotating axis (Kevin keeps the game exciting: he moves a lot).

But for argument’s sake, lets say that “where” still matters: “where” is Montreuil, a suburb east of Paris. The office overlooks a fig tree, and houses about 400 books on art, jewelry, theory, and general culture. It is situated above my workshop, and not too far from the kitchen where, yesterday, I cooked dinner for a +8 writer who was passing in UTC+2…

Ben Lignel's studio, photo: artist
Ben Lignel’s studio, photo: artist

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