
United States

Corrina Goutos

2018 Artist Award Finalist


Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Conjoined Cans, 2017, aluminum (recycled car rims), acrylic cable,
140 x 130 x 15 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Caution Hot, 2016,
bronze (recycled chandeliers), steel,
90 x 75 x 10 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Can Brooch: Spill, 2017, aluminum (recycled car rims), steel, paint,
100 x 60 x 5 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Package Brooch 3, 2016, recycled silver, steel, patina,
50 x 30 x 20 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Upsidedown Can, 2017, aluminum (recycled car rims), cording,
80 x 80 x 10 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Soda Lid Shell 1, 2017, recycled silver, steel, 90 x 40 x 15 mm, photo courtesy of the artist

Where do you think the art jewelry field is going? Are there new and exciting trends that you see?

Corrina Goutos: The jewelry field is leaving the studio! I’m excited to see more multimedia disciplines, more collaborations with individuals outside of the field and more experimental and participatory projects getting the community involved. I think globalization is exposing more people to the wonders of art jewelry, and they’re intrigued!

We saw lots of politics and jewelry in Munich last year, as well as collaborations with photographers, filmmakers, and even with digital tools. Technology is facilitating collaborations from makers who have never met, via FaceTime and the post. It’s a really exciting time in the field. I love seeing these new approaches and am definitely dabbling in some on the side, too!

Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Beer Can Brooch: Split, 2017,
aluminum (recycled car rims), steel, paint, 90 x 90 x 5 mm, photo courtesy of the artist
Corrina Goutos
Corrina Goutos, Beer Can Brooch: Split, 2017, aluminum (recycled car rims), steel, paint,
90 x 90 x 5 mm, photo courtesy of the artist


  • Bonnie Levine

    Bonnie Levine is co-owner of Hedone Gallery. She has loved and bought contemporary studio jewelry for many years, determined to become a gallerist when she left the corporate world. That has now happened! 

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