Sponsor Benefits

Since AJF is entirely funded by donations, the consistent support of institutions is very important to the continuation of our program of providing articles, interviews, and reviews on our publicly accessible site. Please see the benefits schedules for different sponsor types below. AJF hopes that you find the education, exposure, and promotional opportunities worthy of your support. 


Please visit the Schools page to get an idea of the layout for your school page. There is a slideshow of images in the upper right, with captions underneath, and descriptive text about your program on the left, including a link to your school’s website. Please collect the following information and send it in, with any additional information you find relevant:

  1. Your Logo: The logo will be seen on the home page, the school index page, and as the first image in your page’s slideshow.
  2. Your School’s Facility: 1-3 images of your school’s department, campus, or student life.
  3. Your School’s Faculty: One portrait for each of your department’s faculty members.
  4. Your Faculty’s Work: One image of each of your faculty’s work.
  5. Image Captions: A caption for each image including the photographer credit
  6. Your Vision: A short text (100-250 words) describing your school’s mission, attitude, special touch.
  7. URLs: Include the best url for interested students to access your school’s website and your faculty’s personal urls if you wish them to be included.

All images and your logo should be png, jpg, jpeg, or gif–a horizontal orientation looks best–sized 580 wide x 385 high px, 72 dpi. In terms of file size, 3000KB is IDEAL; 1000 KB is the absolute lowest we will accept. Please include a caption for each image, making sure to include the year and photo credit (like this: image description, year, photo: first and last name of the photographer). Send this information via WeTransfer or Dropbox. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Once we receive your information, it may take a couple weeks to upload the information. Once your school page is published, recent graduates will be able to upload an image of their work by following a link on your school’s page. You can follow this link to see the instructions they will receive. These images will be featured in the Graduate Portfolio section on the home page and at the bottom of your school’s page.



Please visit the Gallery Listing to get an idea of the layout for your gallery page. There is a slideshow of images in the upper right, with captions underneath, and descriptive text about your program on the left, including a link to your gallery’s website. Please collect the following information and send it in, with any additional information you find relevant:

  1. Your Space: 1-3 images of your brick and mortar gallery space, exhibition views.
  2. Your People: images of your gallery team, portrait of the gallerist, working shots, etc.
  3. Image Captions: A caption for each image including the photographer credit
  4. Your Vision: A short text (100-250 words) describing your gallery, your mission, your attitude, your special touch.
  5. URLs: Please include your gallery’s preferred url and any additional urls to be included on the page.

All images and your logo should be png, jpg, jpeg, or gif–a horizontal orientation looks best–sized 580 wide x 385 high px, 72 dpi. The total number of images submitted should not exceed ten (10) images. Please include a caption for each image, making sure to include the year and photo credit (like this: image description, year, photo: first and last name of the photographer). Send this information via WeTransfer or Dropbox. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Additionally, AJF will interview your gallery, providing the history and exciting future of your gallery, and it will be permanently archived on the website, publicly accessible to anyone interested in learning more about your gallery’s unique perspective. You will be contacted to arrange this interview, but please be patient as there is a backlog.

Last, AJF will feature a monthly listing of an object available from your gallery in a new article format consisting of images with caption, selling price, and a short text explaining why each piece is exciting and worthy of special attention. This listing will be published each month on AJF, included in the newsletter, and your gallery’s individual submission featured at the bottom of your gallery page. There are many ways to use this monthly article to your gallery’s advantage: You could select a piece from an upcoming exhibition, from an established artist’s new body of work, or one that you love simply because it uses your favorite material. We’re excited to see what you’ll share with our audience.

You may submit one image each month–deadlines will be the 15th of the month for publication on the first day of the following month. Monthly email reminders will be sent to remind you to submit your gallery feature on the 5th of each month. All details about the submission can be found on the submission form.

Annamaria Zanella


AJF Corporate sponsors are featured on the website and included in each weekly newsletter. Your company will also be able to send one sponsored email to AJF’s mailing list, have one sponsored social media post, and have one interview with an individual associated with your company published on our site. Please send the following information to get started:

  1. Your Logo: since this logo will be used in multiple places, please send the largest file you have
  2. Your Vision: A short text (100-250 words) describing your company: your mission, your attitude, your special touch
  3. URLs: Please include your company’s preferred url
  4. Sponsored Email: Send some ideas for your sponsored email to AJF’s mailing list. Examples are award opportunities, special promotions, or exclusive events, etc
  5. Sponsored Social Media Post: Send some ideas for your sponsored post to AJF’s socail media community–typically an image and a link make the strongest post
  6. Interview: Send some ideas for your interview opportunity. Examples are award winners, the head of your company, an artist connected with your company, etc. You will work with the editorial team during the interview process

Your logo should be png, jpg, jpeg, or gif–a horizontal orientation looks best–sized 800 wide x 600 high px, 72 dpi. Please send this information via WeTransfer or Dropbox. Let us know if you have any questions or concerns.

Thank you for supporting AJF!

Together we will ensure that fearless work and critical thinking continues to emerge in the art jewelry community. AJF looks forward to sharing your efforts with our dedicated audience of jewelry enthusiasts.

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