Jeannine Falino

Jeannine Falino is an independent curator and museum consultant working at the intersection of craft, design, and American culture. Her wide-ranging publications and exhibitions explore the colonial era, the gilded age, arts and crafts, and art deco, as well as modern craft and design. Formerly curator of American decorative arts at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Jeannine now develops exhibitions, catalogues, and books for museums, art organizations, and collectors. She directed the major survey exhibition and catalogue Crafting Modernism: Midcentury American Art and Design (Museum of Arts and Design 2011), and What Would Mrs. Webb Do? A Founder’s Vision (MAD, 2014), an exhibition on the role of advocacy and philanthropy in American craft. At the Museum of the City of New York, she co-curated Gilded New York: Design, Fashion & Society (MCNY, 2013–17) that featured jewelry, personal accessories, paintings, and costumes belonging to the city’s wealthiest citizens. New York, New York Silver, Then & Now engaged contemporary artists and designers to create new works born of their encounter with historic silver (MCNY, 2017). Her exhibition and catalogue entitled Betty Cooke: The Circle and the Line, on the iconic Baltimore jeweler, was held at the Walters Art Museum in fall 2021.

Articles by Jeannine Falino

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