Doug Bucci

Doug Bucci is an artist and educator in the field of jewelry and metalsmithing. He designs original jewelry pieces using CAD and cutting-edge production processes, such as rapid prototyping, and has worked as a CAD/CAM/RP consultant and designer for several national companies since 1995. He teaches at The Tyler School of Art at Temple University and the University of the Arts, both in Philadelphia. His work has appeared in many publications, including Metalsmith, American Craft and the 500 Series from Lark Books.

Doug Bucci is an artist and educator in the field of jewelry and metalsmithing. He designs original jewelry pieces using CAD and cutting-edge production processes, such as rapid prototyping, and has worked as a CAD/CAM/RP consultant and designer for several national companies since 1995. He teaches at The Tyler School of Art at Temple University and the University of the Arts, both in Philadelphia. His work has appeared in many publications, including Metalsmith, American Craft and the 500 Series from Lark Books. His jewelry is held in the Design Museum in Helsinki, Deutsches Goldschmiedehaus in Hanau, Germany and the Philadelphia Historical Society.

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