Alicia Giráldez

After working with painting, engraving, and ceramics for some years, Alicia Giráldez first dove into jewelry at Toronto Crafts School, mainly to fight off extreme cold, as she says. Back in Barcelona, Spain, where she lives, she continued her training at the Massana School Open Workshop, directed by Ramón Puig Cuyàs. In 2007 she opened Taller Perill, a space in Barcelona dedicated to jewelry classes, workshops, and projects with an experimental and artistic approach. Since 2008 she has been a member of the group Joyas Sensacionales, coordinated by Silvia Walz at Taller Perill.

Articles by Alicia Giráldez

Jorge Castañón: Gestures, Repairs, and other Emergencies

Jewelers’Werk Galerie, Washington, DC, USA - In English / En Español
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