

AJF in Conversation

The Next Generation of Gallerists

When AJF attended the annual Schmuck exhibition in March, we presented AJF in Conversation—The Next Generation of Gallerists, with moderator Bella Neyman and panelists Atty Tantivit, of Atta Gallery, Thailand; Karin Roy Andersson, from Four, Sweden; Irene Belfi, Irene Belfi, Milan, Italy; Elena and Chiaralice Rizzi, OhMyBlue, Venice, Italy; and Jenna Shaifer, Ombre Gallery, United States.

We asked this generation of gallerists to talk about their spaces, their programming, and how they’re making it in this economy. We also asked them to describe how they tackle important issues like client and artist relationships, promotion, and marketing. We recorded the panel discussion to share with you here—note that it has three parts. The photos below show the interiors of the galleries that participated in the presentation.

Interior, Atta Gallery, Thailand
Interior, Atta Gallery, Thailand
Interior, Irene Belfi, Italy
Interior, Irene Belfi, Italy
Interior, Ombre Gallery, United States.
Interior, Ombre Gallery, United States.
Interior, Four, Sweden
Interior, Four, Sweden
Interior, OhMyBlue, Italy
Interior, OhMyBlue, Italy

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