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A Reminder to Submit to AJF’s E-Library

Share Your Writings with a Passionate, Engaged Audience

If you’ve authored jewelry-related texts, you can submit them for publication in AJF’s e-library. We invite critical thought generators about jewelry to contribute and share their digital media with an audience that’s passionate about exploring the world of art jewelry.

We believe essays, dissertations, and other writings about art jewelry should be readily accessible and researchable, and that they deserve to be savored, so we created a digital library to provide online access to jewelry scholarship that would otherwise be challenging to find. Our platform serves AJF’s international community—from students to scholars, from makers to collectors, and from curators to critics. You can access the E-Library here.

AJF is a nonprofit that advocates for the field through education, discourse, appreciation, and support. Although we focus primarily on contemporary art jewelry, we want a well-rounded library and therefore seek writings on past, present, and future jewelry.

Learn more about submitting content to AJF’s digital library here.

Photo credit Damian Zaleski via Unsplash
Photo credit Damian Zaleski via Unsplash

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