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Transformation 8: Contemporary Works in Small Metals

Meghan Patrice Riley
Meghan Patrice Riley, Interstitial, 2011, 
12 x 15 x 0.25 inches, 
Photo: Toky Photography
Mari Ishikawa
Mari Ishikawa,
 Parallel World, 2011,
 silver, Japanese kozo paper, 
3.5 x 3.3 x 1.75 inches, 
Photo: Dirk Eisel
Daniel DiCaprio
Daniel DiCaprio, Colony Necklace, 2011, ebony, silver, 
12 x 8 x 2 inches,
 Photo: Taylor Dabney
Elizabeth Raphael
Elizabeth Raphael

The show is documented in a wonderful catalog, which features a conversation between Bruce Pepich and Natalya Pinchuk and images of all the artists who participated in the exhibition. You can by it from the Store or download a PDF.


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