As a member or an ambassador of AJF, you are invited to share the events, news items, and exciting developments in your corner of the world. We are happy to share them with the AJF community. This is a great way to share what’s exciting to you with an audience specifically interested in understanding, participating in, and appreciating contemporary jewelry.
Some examples of news items we are looking for:
- Anniversaries and major jewelry milestones
- Obituaries of important people in the jewelry world
- Major jewelry exhibitions in established museums
- Major jewelry awards
- Conferences, symposiums, and jewelry events that AJF members would want to attend
- Calls for entries
- Open positions in jewelry-related fields, including at universities, arts organizations, and other related fields
- Interesting links to articles that are relevant to jewelry
- Opportunities for AJF members, like VIP passes and discounts to attend jewelry events
Here are some guidelines:
- THINK BIG–this is about the wider jewelry field, not about personal events
- Do not submit promotional materials like press releases, artist statements, or advertisements
- Do not submit gallery openings–gallery sponsors of AJF have a different avenue to share events to AJF
The deadline to receive a news item is the 15th of each month.
Please note: The browser Safari isn’t compatible with this form submission. Please submit the form using Chrome or Firefox. If you don’t receive a confirmation message and email, we didn’t receive your submission. Apologies for the hassle–we hope to improve the submission process in the future.
The deadline to receive a news item is the 15th of each month.