The exhibition as metaphor of social organisation

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Ben Lignel - Exhibition as Metaphor_S

“Can craft curators create new spaces and contexts that are inclusive and provide opportunities for innovative strategies within the field?” Love Jönsson asked the three panelists gathered in Stockholm at the behest of IASPIS (The International Artists Studio Program) in November 2016.

The question surfs on a persistent belief that craft naturally tends to encourage non-hierarchical, collective decision making and that it is better suited than, say, art, to mend social inequalities. This short lecture engages with the implicit idea that exhibitions are metaphors for social organization … and looks at the pros and cons of Jean-Hubert Martin’s Carambolages (2016) and Ayumi Horie’s Pots in Action (2005, ongoing) exhibition strategies for answers. This short lecture was delivered as part of the the Curating Craft conference organized by IASPIS and Konsthantverkscentrum (Craft Center), Stockholm, in November 2016.

Title: The exhibition as metaphor of social organisation
Author(s): Benjamin Lignel
Topic: art history, curating craft, exhibition design, museology
Publication Year: 2016
Institution: IASPIS (Sweden)
Discipline: art history, curating
Relevant Country(s): France, Sweden, United States

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