An exhibition review, by Reet Varblane, of Bulldog, featuring jewelry by Kadri Mälk. “After having visited the exhibition of Kadri Mälk, the title and short foreword of the book of Clarissa Pinkola Estés ‘Women Who Run with the Wolves’ started to haunt me: ‘We are all filled with a longing for the wild. There are few culturally sanctioned antidotes for this yearning. We were taught to feel shame for such a desire. [—] No matter where we are, the shadow that trots behind us is definitely four-footed.’ The creation of Mälk in last five years, or at least the way of this selection and presentation, has directly nothing to do with wild and rampant aboriginal woman or her companions, brave wolves yearning for freedom. The latest project of the artist, the book about her jewellery collection, hommage to all friends and admirers of art, to whom she has given her jewellery as a gift or who had bought these items, was titled “Hunt“ (Wolf), and in the foreword, the author recommends to let your inner wolf roam free, feed it, not to try to bend the wolf into a zoologist. The current exhibition is titled “Bulldog“, and this metaphor refers to a tame creature, who is still stubborn, but melancholic with aristocratic manners, and much persistence and patience is needed to teach them. In an effort to get rid of this constant feeling, I visited the exhibition once more, but the presence of the aboriginal woman became yet stronger.” Originally published in Estonian on Sirp (, translated into English here.
Source: night and daybreak
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Title: Source: night and daybreak
Author(s): Reet Varblane
Topic: Bulldog, exhibition review, Kadri Mälk
Publication Year: 2020
Institution: Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design,, Sirp Eesti Kultuurileht
Discipline: Contemporary art jewelry
Relevant Country(s): Estonia