
Welcome! AJF believes that essays, dissertations, and other writing about art jewelry deserve to be readily accessible, researched, and savored. Enjoy.

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Last year, when we all had to stay at home because of COVID, Karin van Paassen had the idea to compose a booklet with texts and images from 100 people about a piece of jewelry with a story. Stories bring jewelry alive. The stories were moving, surprising, emotional, endearing, sad, beautiful, intense, soft, and hard. “Sometimes I looked through a narrow opening at a life story and I was touched by the meaning of the jewel and the importance of preservation,” says van Paassen. “Passing on precious jewelry to the next generation, with the story, also turns out to be very important. Some people never take off their jewelry because of the strong emotional bond with the giver. Others can’t bear to wear their jewelry because it’s too emotional for them. Sometimes just looking at it, or holding it, is enough. Most people were surprised by what writing their jewelry story evoked—memories, images, emotions. Almost everyone felt constrained by the maximum of 150 words!”

The booklet printed in Dutch sold out, but here’s a digital version in English.

Title: MyJewel
Author(s): Karin van Paassen
Topic: jewelry stories
Publication Year: 2021
Discipline: jewellery, jewelry
Relevant Country(s): International

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