

The World Wide Web

Leo Caballero and Amador Bertomeu, both from Barcelona, met in the late 1990s while sharing a studio-workshop. In 2003 they began the website Klimt02, which has become the go-to website for all matters that involve art jewelry worldwide. Last year they opened a gallery space in Barcelona. At the 2009 SNAG conference in Philadelphia, Leo gave an informative lecture about the web and its relation to art jewelry. He also attended an informal lunch and discussion with AJF members who were on the Philadelphia trip, hosted by Velvet da Vinci owners Elizabeth Shypertt and Mike Holmes. Elizabeth Shypertt asked him the following questions.

Leo Caballero
Installation, Klimt02 Gallery

Will you be publishing your talk and/or video from the Philadelphia SNAG conference on-line?

Yes, the video is already available and the text will soon be published on Klimt02, as we are making a condensed version.


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