

AJF Live Goes to Mexico

Art Jewelry Forum has expanded its efforts to connect more directly with the jewelry community by regularly hosting live chats online. These feature artist studio visits, talks with gallerists about shows they’re hosting, interviews with curators and authors, and other programming tied to various jewelry weeks from around the globe. We record these all and post them on our website.

We met with Lorena Lazard, who introduced us to her own work and that of three other important contemporary jewelry makers in Mexico: Cristina Celis, Martacarmela Sotelo, and Raquel Bessudo. Regrettably, there was a very short power outage that caused the recording to stop for less than a minute, so the video skips briefly near the beginning.

To learn more about Lazard and her work, read Searching for What Can’t Be Seen, her interview with Alejandra Wolff.

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