

AJF Live: 1st Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial

September 17, 2021

Art Jewelry Forum has expanded its efforts to connect more directly with the jewelry community by regularly hosting live chats online. We feature artist studio visits, talk with gallerists about shows they’re hosting, interview curators and authors, and have other programming tied to various jewelry weeks from around the globe. We record these all and post them on our website.

Cold Sweat, the title of the First Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial, invites us to reflect on Body, Fear, and Protection.


This folder contains all the media we received from the participants in AJF Live: 1st Lisbon Contemporary Jewellery Biennial (catalogs, videos, images, etc).


Galerie Beyond (Karin de Buyssere & Rene Darmont)
Galeria Alice Floriano
Tincal Lab (Ana Pina)
Casa Fortunato (Filipa Fortunato)
Galerie Door (Doreen Timmers)
Doreen shows the work of three artists:

  • Coco Sung (a big amulet, brooch titled: Pheromon)
  • Typhaine le Monnier (the Visor necklace and some new pieces)
  • Philip Sajet

Galerie Spektrum (Jürgen Eickhoff)
Galerie Viceversa (ilona Schwippel)
ilona focuses on three works:

  • Let me give you a hand, 2021, neckpiece, hardened cotton, pigment, cotton cord singed PS21
  • Rocks, 2019, synthetic spinel, graphite, apple wood, paint, silver
  • Primitive grotesque face to face, bracelet, wrought pure iron

PIN, The Association of Portuguese Contemporary Jewelry (Cristina Filipe)


Galeria Tereza Seabra
Galeria Reverso (Paula Crespo)
Scapulars exhibition; participating artists: Iris Eichenberg, Eija Mustonen, Helena Lehtinen, Rebekah Frank, Jimena Rios, Marta Costa Reis


Broca Group (Brazil). Contact: IG: @grupobroca

Conjuro (Colombia). For information contact Natalie Olarte:

Ohuloss (Estonia). Tanel Veenre

Escola Artística António Arroio

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