Mah Rana

Mah Rana is an artist, curator, and writer who lives and works in London. Human relationships, narratives, memory recall and loss, and material and experiential processes are central to her practice. Social and creative connections and collaborations are created by developing projects that bring people together to engage in social storytelling and making as forms of participatory arts practice. Her cross-disciplinary approach, spanning the art jewelry field, craftivism, and neuropsychology, hands the participants a central role in both the process and the outcome. Current projects include Meanings and Attachments(2001), creating an ongoing archive of why we wear jewelry, and It’s Nice to Make™ (ongoing since 2012), promoting and documenting the role of crafts in both the neuroplasticity revolution and creating positive well-being. She will be one of the four keynote speakers at the New Adventures in Jewellery seminar on September 19 and 20, 2014, at HDK School of Design and Crafts, University of Gothenburg. 

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