Atty Tantivit

Atty Tantivit first experienced jewelry making in college while studying environmental science in the US. It was a short evening class on how to make a ring. She really enjoyed the class, but unfortunately it would take her five more years to find her way back to jewelry making. After receiving her MA in marine policies, she found a workshop outside Miami, where she then lived, then moved back to Thailand in 2006 and started making handmade contemporary studio jewelry to sell locally. She took a conceptual design course in Italy in 2009 and, after much research, networking, and preparation, opened ATTA Gallery (Bangkok) in August 2010. Since the opening of the gallery, Atty has played many roles in the field of contemporary art jewelry, both locally and internationally—as a gallery director, a curator, an educator, a maker, a writer, a mentor, a collector, and an advocate.

Articles by Atty Tantivit

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