We are living in an unprecedented moment, where our notion of “normal” is turned upside down. On behalf of AJF’s board and staff, I want you to know that we’re thinking about you and your families at this time, and hoping you’re staying safe, healthy, and protected.
As we deal with this new reality, I’m reminded of the words of artist and sculptor Louise Bourgeois, who famously said, “Art is a guaranty of sanity.” And so, with this in mind, we want to stay connected with you to talk about our art—all things jewelry. Over the coming months, AJF will continue to provide a virtual place of respite from the craziness of the world. In addition to the articles, interviews, features, and critical discourse you’ve come to rely on, we’ll try to engage with you in new and different ways virtually so we can stay connected and feed our collective passion for jewelry. Please watch the newsletter for details.
In the meantime, we’d love to hear from you: How are you doing? What’s on your mind? What topics would you like to talk about? Please use this form to share your thoughts, comments, and concerns. We’ll share your feedback and use it to help us plan how best to stay connected.
Please stay safe, stay careful, stay engaged, and stay tuned.
—Yvonne Montoya, executive director