
United States

Kelsey Campbell-Dollaghan does not want your new watch, Apple

Media Sighting


In demanding an end to “stupid” smart jewelry, Ms. Campbell-Dollaghan reveals just how out of touch she is with the needs of today’s fashion-savvy working girls. Heterosexual, gender-normative mothers on the go need stylish accessories that accurately reflect their deepest desires: They want to be pretty. They want their every movement outside of the home to be monitored by their husbands. And they want accessories that are retrievable after every mugging. Seriously, as if there were even such a thing as jewelry that doesn’t have Wi-Fi capability!

Cuff Wearable Safety Tech
Cuff Wearable Safety Tech, source: Cool Mom Tech


  • The current AJF Staff Writer is Dina Noto. In the past, our staff writers have included Susan Cummins, Bonnie Levine, and Kerianne Quick, among others. 

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