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Donna Schneier


Donna Schneier
Donna Schneier

It is difficult to choose a favorite from among favorites. If pressed I would say that the Mary Lee Hu Choker # 70 from 1985 – which is now on view at the Metropolitan Museum as part of the collection highlights show – stands out for many reasons.

I first encountered the work in Ettagale Blauer’s book Contemporary American Jewelry Design, published in 1991. Somehow I knew it belonged to an American Craft Council Trustee, so no matter how much I longed to have, hold and wear this collar it wasn’t meant to be. She was the mayor of San Diego.

Mary Lee Hu
Mary Lee Hu, Choker no. 70, 1985

So, with the advice from my professor and the help of many gallerists and artists, nothing got away in the end.



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