
United States

Announcing a New International Prize in Art Jewelry 

The Susan Beech Mid-Career Grant Has Ended


Lynchburg, VA, USA—Art Jewelry Forum (AJF) is pleased to announce the creation of a new grant to support a solo exhibition for an art jewelry maker. The Linda Peshkin Solo Exhibition Award will have its first call between November 11, 2024, and January 12, 2025. 

The award will offer US$20,000 for the creation of a solo exhibition by an artist of any age, to be completed within two years. The winner of this first edition will be announced in Munich, during Schmuck, in March 2025.

Detailed guidelines and more information will be published soon on AJF’s website, and announced via our weekly newsletter.

This new award replaces the Susan Beech Mid-Career Grant, which has ended. That prestigious grant competition had four editions, supporting amazing projects: 

  • 2017: Cristina Filipe (Portugal) won for a book about contemporary jewelry in Portugal, based on her PHD research and an exhibition
  • 2019: Tiff Massey (US) won for an exhibition
  • 2021: Iris Eichenberg (US/Germany) won for a retrospective exhibition
  • 2023: Khanya Mthethwa (South Africa) won for acquisition of technology to produce an exhibition based on research about traditional South African jewelry

Linda Peshkin is a collector residing in Scottdale, AZ, US. She spent over 30 years working in corporate marketing research for several retail organizations, providing consumer insights and market research to guide business strategy. While she always had an interest in jewelry, she didn’t pursue her passion in earnest until she discovered Art Jewelry Forum in 2010 and traveled with us to London on the first international AJF trip.

Linda Peshkin
Linda Peshkin, photo courtesy of Linda Peshkin

Linda served on AJF’s Board from 2011 to 2018 in several roles, including Marketing Committee Chair, trip planner, and Board Secretary. She is creating this award to advance the career of a jewelry artist by providing the resources and visibility necessary to create a body of work and launch a solo exhibition. 

AJF’s award and grant program is made possible by individuals who believe funding art creation is an important way to show their appreciation for the arts. 

Contact: Marta Costa Reis


About AJF
Art Jewelry Forum is a nonprofit organization spreading awareness and increasing appreciation of art jewelry worldwide since 1997. AJF advocates for art jewelry through an ambitious agenda of education, conversation, and financial support. It commissions critical writing that sets the standard for excellence in the field and publishes, an online resource for original content on art jewelry.


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