AJF Hangouts takes the pulse of the rapidly expanding world of global art jewelry. We hear from voices in emerging jewelry scenes, featuring those with the responsibility of representing their country as AJF Ambassadors. Despite the varying quality of video feeds, it’s quite amazing that we can now use this platform to connect people together from all corners of the globe. What connects them is a shared passion for contemporary jewelry, even in those cases where there are no galleries or collectors. Their commitment may help those of us in more established scenes appreciate the way our art field emerged thanks to a similar vision a generation ago.
On the final day of Melbourne’s Radiant Pavilion, hear voices from the thriving contemporary jewelry scene down South. From Australia, Zoe Brand talks about the rise of education through workshops and Mel Young reflects on the move to take jewelry practice into the outback through initiatives like the Indigenous Jewellery Project. From New Zealand, Kristin D’Agostino comments on the recent decision to close jewelry at Manukau Polytechnic and Keri-Mei Zagrobelna talks about the thriving scene in Wellington and among Māori artists. The conversation then reflects in the vibrancy of Radiant Pavilion, but also the ongoing challenge of taking art beyond the contemporary jewelry circle. SEPTEMBER 3, 2017
AJF Hangout now turns to North America, home of so many galleries, collectors and makers of contemporary jewelry. What interesting scenes in this large continent are we overlooking? How has recent political polarization affected the kind of jewelry being made? So many interesting questions. We hear from Jan Smith (Vancouver, Canada), Laritza Garcia (Texas, USA), Melanie Egan (Toronto, Canada), and Sarah Rachel Brown (Philadelphia, USA). AUGUST 9, 2017
Southern Europe is one of the liveliest regions for contemporary jewelry in the world today. Join our AJF Ambassadors Anastasia Kandaraki (Greece), Nichka Marobin (Italy), Carlos Silva (Portugal) and Catalina Gibert (Spain) in conversation to learn what’s on the horizon.
AJF Hangouts ventures north to Scandinavia and the Baltic, where contemporary jewellery flourishes. What’s emerging for art jewelry this northern spring? We hear from Agnieszka Knap (Sweden), Marie-Louise Kristensen (Denmark), Urmas Lüüs (Estonia), Helga Mogensen (Iceland), Nanna Melland (Norway) and Jenni Sokura (Finland).
Latin America is quickly establishing itself as one of the most dynamic contemporary jewelry regions. Let’s hear from representatives across the continent about challenges and opportunities for making art jewelry in their part of the world. Featuring Francisca Kweitel (Argentina), Miriam Korolkovas (Brazil), Liliana Ojeda (Chile), Ana Berrio (Colombia), Andrea Tello (Ecuador), Holinka Escudero (México) and Andreína Rodriquez (Venezuela).
Jewelry has been a key part of Middle Eastern culture. In a region with such lively cultural dialogue, how might artists use jewelry as a medium of creative expression? Learn from AJF Ambassadors what’s happening with the contemporary jewelry scene in the Middle East. Meet Anahita Anasseri (Iran), Samar Ziadeh (Lebanon), Yasmine El Hamalawy (Egypt) and Selen Özus (Turkey). The video breaks up at around the 30-minute mark. You can stop it at this point.
Meet the AJF Ambassadors for China, South Korea, Japan, and Taiwan. Is contemporary jewelry in East Asia different from anywhere else?
Speakers: Misum Rheem (South Korea), Makiko Akiyama (Japan), Yufang Chi (Taiwan), Dandan Xing (China, but unable to participate because of technical issues)
What is the contemporary jewelry scene like in China? To what extent is it being driven by the education sector? Will the art emerging from China influence the artistic field of contemporary jewelry?
Speakers: Dandan Xing (AJF Ambassador, China), Xiaohui Yang (jewelry department at Shandong University of Art & Design) and Elizabeth Shaw (lecturer, Jewellery and Small Objects, Queensland College of Art)
The contemporary jewelry world is expanding in South Africa. Art jewelry is taught across the country and new jewelry galleries are emerging. There are striking new talents emerging, albeit far from the established centers. It’s not easy. There are few collectors and a small community. But there is great potential. What does the emergence of art jewelry in South Africa mean for the field as a whole?
Speakers: Beverley Price (AJF Ambassador, South Africa), Carine Terreblanche (head of Stellenbosch University’s jewelry department) with colleagues Joani Groenewald and Angela Tolken, Geraldine Fenn-Loubser (owner, Tinsel Gallery)
Ornament is a central element in South Asian cultures. The capacity to afford gold jewelry for weddings is a key ambition in many families. Given the pervasiveness of jewelry in South Asian cultures, where can we find expressions of it as an art form? What can contemporary jewelers from India, Pakistan, Nepal, Bangladesh, and Sri Lanka contribute to the global scene?
Speakers: Pallavi Gandhi (India), Eina Ahluwalia (AJF Ambassador, India), Sahr Bashir (AJF Ambassador, Pakistan), Amina Rizwan (Pakistan), Aayusha Shrestha (AJF Ambassador, Nepal)