AJF is pleased to announce that 2011 grant award funds will be used to support production of a catalog for the exhibition Geography, curated by Susan Cummins and Mike Holmes, to be shown in conjunction with the 40th Society of North American Goldsmiths (SNAG) conference in Seattle, Washington, May 26-29, 2011. The exhibition will include approximately 60 works from AJF member galleries.

The goal of the AJF exhibition grant award is to encourage and promote activities consistent with the mission of the Art Jewelry Forum and promote art jewelry to the broader community such as exhibitions, publications and critical writing. Applicants for the award must be tax-exempt in the United States. The focus of the application must be on art jewelry and exhibitions must be held within the United States.
AJF will be funding no additional exhibition grants in 2011; an announcement will be made early next year to solicit applications for the 2012 award.