Dagger djinn and wolf

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An exhibition review, by Heie Marie Treier, of Bulldog, featuring the work of Kadri Mälk. Originally published in The Estonian art quarterly KUNST.EE 2020, No. 4, pp. 74–76., translated here into English. “If anyone can be considered a mystic in Estonian art, it is Kadri Mälk. The almost sculptural jewellery exhibited at the exhibition “Bulldog” at the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design confirms this premise. However, the title “Bulldog” seems more of a joke. It comes from an empty bottle of London dry gin that has been worked into one of the pieces. The djinn has been released from the bottle and the exhibition, like a fighting dog, remains focused on the narrow path of being an artist with fresh ideas.”

Title: Dagger djinn and wolf
Author(s): Heie Marie Treier
Topic: Bulldog, Estonian jewelry, exhibition review, Kadri Mälk
Publication Year: 2020
Institution: Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, The Estonian art quarterly KUNST.EE
Discipline: Contemporary art jewelry
Relevant Country(s): Estonia

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