School Listing Instructions

School listings are available for accredited universities, colleges and academies with degree or certification programs who make a donation to Art Jewelry Forum in the amount of $250 or more.


All images must be formatted to the specifications shown below in order to be uploaded successfully to Art Jewelry Forum.

File Format: Standard JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG

  • Logo: 400px wide x 300px high
  • Image Dimensions: 580px wide by 385px high
  • Resolution: images are for web display, 72 dpi is required.
  • File Size: Under 200kb

Step One: Assemble and prepare the following photo files. 

  1. School Logo. Save using the school name followed by the word logo.
  2. Facility Photo (school building, grounds or studios). Save using the school name followed by a word(s) describing the facility
  3. Instructor Portraits (one photo of each instructor in the listing). Save using the school name and the last name of the instructor (example: UWMadisonJones.jpg)
  4. Photo of one piece of work by each instructor. Save using the name instructors name followed by a word describing the piece (example: BabaraSmithBrooch.jpg)

Step Two: Prepare the text and photo captions document (a WORD document with all the text/copy needed for your directory listing.)

  1. Name of the person responsible for the listing
  2. Email address of the person responsible for the listing
  3. Telephone number of the person responsible for the listing
  4. Name of school
  5. Country
  6. School website address
  7. School email
  8. Program Overview: A description of the school’s jewelry/metals program of no longer than 500 words, typically three to five paragraphs. Visit the SCHOOLS page on Art Jewelry Forum for examples.
  9. Instructor List: Provide the full name, title and a short professional bio or statement (less than 100 words) for each instructor (professor, lecturer, or artist) associated with the school’s jewelry/metals program.
  10. Photo caption information for each image submitted. Photo credits are required for publication. Include the following information in the order shown, separated by commas as shown in the example below: Full Name, Title or Untitled, year, type of object, material, material, material, dimensions, photo: Photographer

    Examples:  John Smith, Untitled, 2010, brooch, silver, paper, wood, 4 x 3 x 2 inches, photo: Kathleen Hall

    Esther Black, Road to Mecca, 2012, necklace, sterling silver, copper, enamel, 25 x 30 x 12 mm, photo: artist

Step Four: Congratulations! You have it all together.

  1. Save all the files in one folder.
  2. Share the complete information using a file transfer software (WeTransfer, HighTail, Dropbox) with Please do not send the files embedded in an email.
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