School listings are available for accredited universities, colleges and academies with degree or certification programs who make a donation to Art Jewelry Forum in the amount of $250 or more.
All images must be formatted to the specifications shown below in order to be uploaded successfully to Art Jewelry Forum.
File Format: Standard JPEG, JPG, GIF, PNG
- Logo: 400px wide x 300px high
- Image Dimensions: 580px wide by 385px high
- Resolution: images are for web display, 72 dpi is required.
- File Size: Under 200kb
Step One: Assemble and prepare the following photo files.
- School Logo. Save using the school name followed by the word logo.
- Facility Photo (school building, grounds or studios). Save using the school name followed by a word(s) describing the facility
- Instructor Portraits (one photo of each instructor in the listing). Save using the school name and the last name of the instructor (example: UWMadisonJones.jpg)
- Photo of one piece of work by each instructor. Save using the name instructors name followed by a word describing the piece (example: BabaraSmithBrooch.jpg)
Step Two: Prepare the text and photo captions document (a WORD document with all the text/copy needed for your directory listing.)
- Name of the person responsible for the listing
- Email address of the person responsible for the listing
- Telephone number of the person responsible for the listing
- Name of school
- Country
- School website address
- School email
- Program Overview: A description of the school’s jewelry/metals program of no longer than 500 words, typically three to five paragraphs. Visit the SCHOOLS page on Art Jewelry Forum for examples.
- Instructor List: Provide the full name, title and a short professional bio or statement (less than 100 words) for each instructor (professor, lecturer, or artist) associated with the school’s jewelry/metals program.
- Photo caption information for each image submitted. Photo credits are required for publication. Include the following information in the order shown, separated by commas as shown in the example below: Full Name, Title or Untitled, year, type of object, material, material, material, dimensions, photo: Photographer
Examples: John Smith, Untitled, 2010, brooch, silver, paper, wood, 4 x 3 x 2 inches, photo: Kathleen Hall
Esther Black, Road to Mecca, 2012, necklace, sterling silver, copper, enamel, 25 x 30 x 12 mm, photo: artist
Step Four: Congratulations! You have it all together.
- Save all the files in one folder.
- Share the complete information using a file transfer software (WeTransfer, HighTail, Dropbox) with Please do not send the files embedded in an email.